April 5-30 ‘A Sense of Place’, Associação Cultural Re-Criativa República 14, Olhao. The exhibition of 14 artists runs at the same time as the first Olhao Film Festival. Vernissage, Friday April 5th, 5.30-7.30


May 2016 - Theme: Interiors, 15 International and Portuguese Artists, Edificio Artistica, Olhao

October 2016 - Theme: Self-portraits, 14 International and Portuguese Artists

July 2017 - Summer Exhibition, New Work from 13 International and Portuguese Artists. Associação Recriativa República 14

August 2017 - Upper Gallery, R Commercio, Olhao, 4 Artists from the Summer Exhibition

April 2018 - Spring Exhibition, 13 International and Portuguese Artists, Associação Recriativa República 14